Thursday, June 25, 2009

What can I do to stop him?

She has a Big problem. Her's husband wants to go on a dangerous expedition and he loves outdoor. So, she worried about that but he doesn't heard her voice. Finally, he will plan to dangerous trip! Many people died..oh, my god! She want to help!

Mrs.Web advice-
You knew he had this tendency when you married him. People do not give up the things they do just because they get married. I applaud his wisdom in understanding that once he has children these expeditions are history. Children need security. Wives, on the other hand, usually know what they are getting into.

April's advice-
I'm not sure you can. Maybe you'll be more patience and give up something. In addition,you give freedom to him and applaud his opinion. On of these days, he'll come back your home and understand you.