Thursday, May 28, 2009

The rich girl, April

Oh, my God! I'm really luck girl! Because I had won the first prize of lotto lottery, So first I would give 1 billon won to my teacher jeff. : ) Second, I would make a tour in a world. Third, I want to give one over four of my money to who are poor people. I want to visit in my country of all my classmates, So I treat you!
I Should purchase a airplane seat, everybody First- class! I promise!


  1. Nice my friends! I hope you invite give me somethings jajaja! I invit you for my island and you for your country or whatever! Enjoy your money! You're my best friend and so cute!

  2. Remember!! That's written, so you can't forget..

  3. alltime come together~ my best friend!! k k k

  4. I am jeff who is your classmate. Don't confusion.haha~~~
    I want to go to your country.It will be funny.
    So don't forget me.
